Why I started writing.
Writing was something I never thought I’d do.
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I started writing after several failed attempts at a few endeavors such as making Youtube videos, painting, drawing, graphic design, even script writing to name a few. See what they all have in common? The Arts. And there’s something more specific that I discovered, which I’ll reveal later. Right now, a little story to set the scene.
If I could sum up my life in a word, it would be this: complacency. I was merely coasting through the world, riding the waves of life without any sense of direction. Like a lot people, you want to be successful but I had no clue how. All I did was get a job, work, get another job, work again, and try to climb up the so-called corporate ladder.
I had just suffered a setback in June (you can read about them in my ‘About’ page and in my other blogs posts), where I thought I had a good thing going. I had a government job, well paying and I was moving up quickly. Long story short, that came crashing down.
But amidst the setback, I found my purpose, my Meaningful Mission, thanks to Lewis Howes and his book “The Greatness Mindset”.
Thanks to Howes and his insights, I was able to see what I was meant to do. And that is to write. I discovered this through several of his exercises, and moments of deep introspection. I found a common theme among my previous, failed endeavors - a theme that I missed because I was blindly pursuing something that wasn’t my life’s purpose.
That theme was ‘Storytelling’, and I was pursuing the selfish act of doing it for myself.
According to Howes, we should be pursuing our life’s purpose in the service of others, not simply for selfish, monetary gains. Why? Because that places you in a state of negativity and eventually, it’ll all come crashing down on you, like it did for me.
That’s when I realized my purpose was to write because I love to tell a story. I love the idea was showing my ideas, like a movie. Only this time it was in words. I want to give the reader something valuable. Something they’d enjoy; an emotional roller coaster ride of their life.
So, I figured I’d pursue typing up a draft for my very first novel. “The Last Guardians of Atlantis" Book 1.
I never thought I’d ever write my own book, but I’m proud that I did.
It’d be something I’d look back when I’m old and say,
“Yep, I did that. I wrote that piece of crap!”
I’ll tell you it wasn’t easy. It was tough but I did it and persevered. I wrote everyday, none stop from 8:30am till 3pm. That’s how I scheduled it. You just do it. Step-by-step, action-by-action and you’ll finish it in no time.
If I had to give an advice to anyone reading this, it’s to show up, day-in and day-out, on writing whatever you can on that page. Be disciplined and tell yourself you want to it, you need to do it. Additionally, I implore you to Persist and Resist; persist regardless of what people tell you and resist the urge to stop or give up.
Everyone has a story to tell, and I’m sure you want other’s to know that cool idea in your head. So, what are you waiting for? Remember, we don’t have much time on this earth. We think we have tomorrow to do the things we dream of doing, but then tomorrow comes and we push it further. Time waits for no one. Time is our most precious commodity; moreso than money. We can never get time back.
So, I urge you, find something that drives you and keep at it! Do it!
🔥 Are you ready to become a Guardian? Your destiny awaits! 🌟 Grab your copy of “The Last Guardians Of Atlantis”, and dive headfirst into the heart-stopping adventure that awaits. 🚢✨