Achieve Your Goals: 4 Proven strategies for a Successful 2025
Take the year by the horns. You got this!
If you need help or some motivation, join me LIVE on Twitch from Monday to Friday, 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM EST! 📚✍️ I’ll be working on my second book, and together we’ll tackle tasks using the Pomodoro Method for focused work sessions. Bring your to-do list, and let’s boost our productivity side-by-side! 🚀
Happy New Year!
2025 is here! And with it comes the opportunity to reset, refocus, and drive towards your goals! So, if you’re looking to make this year your most productive and fulfilling year ever, the right strategies can make all the difference.
In this post, we’ll explore four transformative approaches that I’ve used to help me go after my goals in 2024. Whether you're tackling personal ambitions, professional projects, or life’s everyday challenges (which can be many), these tips will inspire and empower you to take action and create sustainable momentum to achieve your goals. Let’s begin!
The Power of Goal Setting
The Domino Effect
Use the Pomodoro Method
Cultivate a Farmer’s Mindset
1. Goal Setting
This is a no-brainer—having goals gives you a sense of direction and purpose. A life without an intention to achieve is meaningless! What’s the point of living if you’re not going to strive for something, right?
“If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.”
Without a defined purpose, goal or destination, external circumstances—no matter how favorable—cannot help guide or benefit you effectively. So, think about what you want to accomplish and write it down. Take out a sheet of paper or open up a word doc and brainstorm what you want to achieve in the year 2025. And be clear and specific about it!
Want to lose weight? Okay, how much? Want to start a business? What product/service you want to sell? Want to write a book? What genre? Here are some examples:
Lose 25Ibs and be able to run 5k without stopping by the end of the year.
Launch and scale an online store selling my artwork, generating at least $3k/month by the end of year.
Finish and publish a Young-Adult, sci-fi, action-adventure novel and get it to bookstores by the end of year (what I did and accomplished).
After brainstorming your goals, choose one or two and and stick with them. Why reduce your list to a few objectives? Having too many targets could lead you feeling burnt out. The point is to focus all your attention and energy towards one or two ambitions instead of spreading yourself thin.
SMART goals
Use this to plan out your dreams. Get clear and specific but don’t forget to take action!
With the goal in mind, break down your big dream(s) into actionable steps. Do you need to learn a particular skill? Attend a course? What steps do you need to take on a daily basis to reach your destination? Remember to be consistent and take some time each day towards completing those steps.
For example, I strove to write at last 2-pages daily without any editing. I ignored perfectionism and kept typing until I reached my commitment of 2-pages/day. Daily actions leads to massive results, which is our next topic—the Domino Effect.
2. The Domino Effect: Small Actions, Big Results
The Domino Effect is a simple yet powerful concept: just as a single action can set off a chain reaction of success. This principle shows how taking that first step—however small it may seem—can lead to significant achievements over time. Take a look at the video below.
A great example of the Domino Effect! (Courtesy Stephen Morris)
So imagine you want to launch a business, or improve your health. The goal might feel overwhelming, but breaking it down into manageable steps allows you to build momentum gradually. For example, I committed to writing at least 2-pages a day. Writing 2-pages a day turned into a completed manuscript (roughly 140k words) within 8 months! Other examples include:
Exercising for just 10 minutes a day can eventually develop into a consistent fitness routine.
Creating and sharing one valuable piece of content weekly (blog post, video, or social media post) to establish credibility for your business/brand.
Why does the Domino effect work? As mentioned before, by taking small actions, you build momentum. Those achievable steps make it easier to keep going, reducing burn out and feelings of overwhelm. Not only that, with every small success, the results start to compound which builds your confidence over time! In a few short months of dedicated, persistent and disciplined work, you’ll see results far greater than you’d possible imagined!
But what if you’re busy all the time? What if your day is filled to the brim with personal commitments you can’t get away from? This leads to our next tip that focuses on time management—the Pomodoro Method.
3. Make time work for you: The Pomodoro Method
The Pomodoro method is a time management and productivity technique where you focus on a specific task for a set amount of time—usually 30 minutes—take a short break then repeat the process for several sessions.
It’s basically ‘time blocking’ your day: you set aside a number of hours and work within a set time until your task is done. Commit to a distraction-free, focused session: meaning turn off that phone! Take a look at the image below.
The Pomodoro Technique.
A very simple and versatile method to focus on your tasks. Just set a timer and off you go!
There are many variations of this method: you can go as long as 90 minutes then take a 30 (90/30) minute break or as short as 25 minutes with a 5 minute break (25/5). Experiment how long you can focus on a task and gradually adjust the length of the session.
These focus ‘sprints’ work by intentionally eliminating all distractions and making you commit to completing a singular task. And by having breaks, you eliminate burn out and helps maintain focus, which are essential for maximizing productivity.
Here’s are some tips I learned from using the Pomodoro Method:
Start small. Start with a 20 minute focused session with a 5-minute break (20/5). If you can focus on your task past the timer, than increase the length! Find your sweet spot! (My sessions are 45/15).
Take your breaks seriously! Don’t just sit and wait till the break is over. Get up and stretch! Eat a snack and drink lots of water! Hydration and sustenance are important and we tend to forget that when we’re too focused.
Don’t look at social media during your breaks. This one can be tough. It’s easy to grab your phone or open a new Chrome tab and start checking your socials. Try this instead: do nothing. Yep, you read that right. Eat a snack while listening to your music. Go look outside your window and let your thoughts race. Or if you’re brave, just stare at your wall. You’ll find that creativity comes fast! Trust me, it works!
The Pomodoro Method helps strike a balance between high productivity and mental well-being, making it a powerful tool for achieving your goals! Next, why it’s important to cultivate a Farmer’s Mindset.
4. Plant The seedS: The Farmer’s Mindset
What do farmer’s generally do? They sow seeds, nurture crops, and wait for the right time to harvest, right? This approach can be applied to reaching your goals and create success in life. The key is to be patient, consistent and have a long-term vision/plan/goals. Here’s how the mindset works:
Plant the Seeds and Tend to them:
Writing books, building a business, or creating content all require consistent, daily effort. Nurture your work by continuously improving your skills, and actions. For example, learn how to write good prose or tweak that social post to get the viewers hooked.
Be Resilient and Adaptive to change:
Sometimes the weather can shift drastically, ruining your crops. Same can be said about life: Setbacks or an unexpected challenge arises, forcing you to make a tough decision. The key is to be flexible and problem-solve the issue. Trust your intuition when it comes to making difficult choices. Regardless of your decision, weather the storm by having faith and trust that circumstances will change for the better.
Have Faith and Trust the Process:
When farmer’s sow their seeds, they don’t dig it up everyday to see if it grows—they trust knowing it will grow despite the uncertainty. So focus your attention and energy in putting in consistent, daily work. Be disciplined in completing your tasks and trust that what you’re doing will bear fruit!
Growth is gradual, and success is never instant.
Invest your time and effort into planning the ways to reach your goals and then take action. Step-by-step.
And your year begins now…
I hope this post has given you clarity and the inspiration to go for your dreams. I learned this at the beginning of my writing journey and despite the challenges and setbacks I faced, I accomplished my goal and published my first ever book.
And you can accomplish your goals too! Remember: daily action and patience are key. Don’t rush the process but take the time to do what you can, step-by-step. Trust the process, have faith in yourself and your efforts will pay off! I believe in you!
A short and sweet video on how to conquer your year! (Courtesy Clark Kegley)
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