Mindfulness, Manifestation and the power of Visualization.
Keep that dream alive and it’ll come true!
When I first entertained the notion of writing a book, a part of me screamed that was a bad idea. The logical, pragmatic part of me urged me to pursue a regular job and forget about the dream. But I decided to write my book, and it was the best decision I ever made. I finally achieved my big goal of finishing a new-adult novel and at the time of writing this blog, I am one-week away from publishing it (July 2nd, 2024).
In this blog, I’m going over what I did to be consistent and persistent, in writing my book and how I never gave up on my goal. I hope after reading this, you’ll be inspired and motivated to pursue your dreams and do so without fail. Let’s go!
Write down your goals/vision and be specific.
Make a vision/action-board.
Have a gratitude journal.
Write your specific goals down.
In order to achieve a goal you envisioned, you have to be specific about it. Writing “I want to be rich” is vague. Be specific like, “I want to make a million dollars in 12 months by selling my product.” That’s specific. It’s a grand goal to have but also doable and realistic, given the time frame. Now that you have something to strive for, write it down either in a journal (which we’ll get to) or on a sticky note and place where you’d see it daily. You can have it on your computer or on your phone but it should be visible at all times to help remind you of what you’re after in life.
“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”
For me, I wrote down “I want to finish my book within 6 months.” It took 8 months but that’s okay. Why? Because I didn’t give up and I was patient. I kept at it daily and I knew sometimes, when pursuing a goal, it doesn’t always happen in the timeframe we wanted. There were days where I’d come up with a paragraph. There were days when I wrote a couple of sentences. Then there were days where I wrote several pages.
The most important thing is that you stayed consistent, showing up day by day and working diligently towards your dream. Step by step, keep chipping away at creating your valuable product or service, and always remember why you’re doing it.
There will be times when things get tough. Your mind will see no progress, or very little of it and tell you to stop and turn around. Don’t! This is where that sticky note of your goals comes in handy. It’s a great reminder of your “why’s”, the reasons for what you’re doing. You can have multiple goals going and it’s such a great feeling to see each one checked-off. Once you achieve that particular goal, write down a new one and keep going!
Make a vision board.
So now that you have a specific goal, it’s time to get visual! What does your dream goal look like? What would it do for you, if you achieved it? Would you get a new house? A new car? More money? Grab some images of what you’re ideal life would look like or what you want to achieve in the future and pin it up on your walls and get a wallboard and put up there. For me, I printed out pictures of what I wanted to receive and achieve such as a new home with a sweet looking office, book signing events, speaking at conventions, conferences and other venues in front of crowds, and lastly, getting enough money to live a comfortable life.
My not-so-high-quality vision board.
And I never been to Dave & Buster’s, so I’m not sure where I got the magnet from.
Grab pictures wherever you can; from magazines, books, the internet etc…The pictures don’t have to be of high-quality but it does look nice if they are. The point is to have an image that represents your dreams/goals. The more detailed the image is or rather, the more representative the vision board is of your goals, the more reinforcement you get for pursuing your dreams. You’ll feel more motivated and inspired to take action day by day because the board helps you visualize your ideal future.
Another important note to add, is when your looking at your vision board, sense the feelings of achieving your goals. Feel as though you already have them, such as more money, that new house, that new car etc…What does that feel? Does it feel like freedom? Accomplishment? Happiness? Feel it in the present moment and take action daily towards your dreams.
Start a gratitude journal.
If you’ve seen “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne or seen any content posted on social media about the Law of Attraction and Manifestation, then you’d probably heard about how beneficial it is to have a gratitude journal (or starting a journal practice as gurus would say). I never thought writing things you’re grateful for and then jotting down your thoughts could be so transformative. Since I began my journaling journey, I’ve been more relaxed, less stressful, less egotistical, more grateful for what I have and generally seeing life as a gift, rather than a curse. Journaling has been such a great mindfulness practice!
Check out my previous blog post about journaling
My journals so far.
Writing down my gratitude increased my mood and changed my perspective for life. By practicing thankfulness, I trust that the universe has my back when pursuing my goals. I write down 3 things I’m grateful for each morning and night, and then I journal about my day before I go to bed.
Having a gratitude journal is a game changer!
I’ve been journaling for over a year now and I can certainly say that without it, I’d be stuck with the past, never finding peace to move on and look forward to the future. I’d be focused on what I want to gain for my selfish reasons rather than going for a greater purpose (that does good for others). I’d be listening to my EGO; letting myself be fearful and never taking the risk to do things outside my comfort zone. How does having a gratitude journal do that? By feeling grateful, duh! Kidding, let’s go deeper.
“Every day and night keep thoughts like these at hand - write them, read them aloud, talk to yourself and others about them.””
By writing down things that you’re grateful for, you shift your mindset into a positive one. You’ll see a boost in mood, cultivate a sense of meaning and purpose, and even be more energized. You’ll also see your negative thoughts start to vanish because all you think and feel, are positivity. Now, marry those gratitude statements with your goals and your vision board and you have fuel to go after your dreams!
So, every morning and night, write down 3 things you’re grateful for. Like this:
- I AM GRATEFUL for this chance to pursue writing my book!
- I AM GRATEFUL for this abundance!
- I AM GRATEFUL for this new house (even if I don’t have it yet).
And you can be grateful for anything! You can be grateful for the trees outside giving you oxygen, the hot partner you have, the coffee that you drank, the stray dog that keeps giving you the look but didn’t bite you, etc… As long as you’re thoughtful of the statement and it makes you feel good.
You can also write gratitude prompts for things that hadn’t happen yet. Did you notice that last gratitude statement about the new house? This is a powerful technique when it comes to gratitude journaling; by writing a grateful statement about your future goal, you bring that goal into the present. This makes it feel as though you already have it. By feeling it in the present moment, you can manifest your goals quicker!
And that’s it! Thank you for taking the time to read this blog! I do hope that you’ll start a gratitude journal and commit to taking action towards your goals! Good luck!
Watch the video below with Dr. Tara Swart, author of the book “The Source”, where she talks about the benefits of journaling, manifestation, creating a vision board and she ties it all up with neuroscience!
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