3 Books that changed my Life (Part 2)
Discipline, with a dash of Persistence and Perseverance, can help you reach your true PURPOSE.
In Part 2, I’ll discuss one the most inspirational and badass books I’ve come across. Written by a former Navy Seal, Lt. Jason Redman (ret.), discusses strategies to move through life and to prepare oneself for the inevitable “Ambushes”; life events that seemingly come out of nowhere and mostly not under our control. This can range from being as small as forgetting your wallet at home to the worst kind, losing someone close to you. Like a point-man in the Navy Seal teams, Redman guides you with a step-by-step plan to help soften the blow when you’re “on the X” and make sailing through the stormy seas of life, a little easier.
So, let’s get this done.
TLDR: I was hit with a life ‘ambush’ in June where my career was taken from under my feet. Thrusting my life into chaos, I as able to discover '“Overcome” and what I needed to do from then on.
Continuing from Part 1, “Overcome” should be your next book to read following Lewis Howes’ “The Greatness Mindset”.
I will continue to use the “Seafarer” analogy to illustrate this. To recap, your ‘island’ you’re standing on is your life right now; you’re career, your relationships, your physical and mental health. Everything is on this cozy, little island of yours. But deep down, as you stare across the vastness of the ocean, you know you were meant for more. You feel it. You want it. You’ve seen many people embark on that perilous journey and they made it. You want to ‘set sail’, but either too afraid or too comfortable to do so. Still, part of you urges.
For those that decided to take the plunge and read “The Greatest Mindset”, you now have a PURPOSE, a course/heading or as the Special Operations teams would say “Missions.” You can now set for your journey across the seas. You know the destination is beyond the horizon, so you’re determined to get there. But, we all know how stormy the seas can get. How rough can it be? There’ll be calm and peaceful days on your journey but suddenly you’ll be hit with hectic storms that rattles you and your ‘crew’. Redman would say to PERSIST and ENDURE and to keep on going. Because you have to.
Jason' Redman’s “Overcome” discusses ways to persist, resist and persevere/endure through those stormy days. In his book he calls those unfortunate days “Ambushes”; an apt name since he’s a former Navy Seal. Long story short, you think you had a bad day? This guy got shot in the face and lived. Oh and his body was riddled with machine gun fire and he almost had his arm blown off. Still, he persisted and endured the recovery and now he lives his best life, teaching others how to “Overcome” bad days or ‘ambushes’.
So, like a Navy Seal, you planned your journey and have executed your mission to your purpose. But like all well thought of plans, Life loves to throw a curve ball. It can’t all be smooth sailing right? As you ‘stay the course’ on your mission to accomplish your purpose, you will encounter ‘bad days’. You will be ‘ambushed’, seemingly out of no where and mostly not in your control. So, what do you do?
Redman encourages you to REACT and that is to:
Recognize your reality
Evaluate your position
Assess possible exit routes
Choose a direction and communicate it
I won’t go into detail about each section because I want you to get the book. Suffice to say, if the seas start to get rough and Life feels miserable, Redman urges you not to give up, to stay calm and REACT. Think. Say to yourself, “What can I do now, to get me out of this ambush?” And you do the math. You write down what you need to get out of the hell hole you’re in. TAKE ACTION.
As Redman wrote:
Too often we give up and give in when something bad occurs that throws us off our course. Successful people are successful because they ACCEPTED the situation they’re in and they quickly “get back on the horse”. Successful people get back on course and persist through the struggles with DISCIPLINE. Day in and day out, they put the work in, never complaining and never whining.
Successful people don’t play the victim card. They accept and take responsibility then take Action towards their purpose.
Redman urges you to have a steadfast mind and know that the pain you’re suffering is only temporary and the stormy seas of Life, rarely lasts forever. Redman encourages you to not give up on yourself because your future self (along with everyone else in your life), depends on you. You owe it to your future. By struggling now, by establishing grit and mental fortitude now, you can endure many and any, ‘ambushes’ ahead of you. It starts with being Disciplined and having the Will to stick to your plans.
Okay, how do you cultivate Discipline? There are many ways but Redman has a few:
Set Clear Goals
Create a routine and stick to it
Prioritize Tasks (every day)
Focus on the Process
Embrace Challenges
Practice Self-Reflection
The details of each section are in the book and if you’re serious (or curious) you can buy his book! Honestly, it’s a damn good and inspiring read.
So, if you PLAN correctly and execute on your plan, stay the course with DISCIPLINE and PERSISTENCE, you can endure any hardships along the way and you’ll eventually come out stronger, inevitable accomplishing your mission/goals.
Carry on soldier.
(Click HERE for Part 3, where I finally discuss your “SHIP” that’ll help you get across those stormy seas.)
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